Our two-year-olds are growing bigger, stronger, and smarter every day. To help foster their social, cognitive, and physical development our two-year-old teachers set goals to assist in developing each child who is growing more independent. Every parent receives a written daily report on their child’s progress and needs.

Tender Years’ goal is to provide an environment that is safe, educational, fun, inviting, and age appropriate. Young children learn more effectively when they can trust and explore their environment. Our classrooms support the children’s needs to learn by providing areas where children can engage in various types of activities to develop their imagination, curiosity, and motor skills. Our rooms also provide a place for children to rest and relax. Furthermore, all of our toys are non chokeable and are sanitized daily.

Potty Training
One goal our teachers take pride in is helping your child succeed in potty training. Potty training is a significant milestone in a child’s life that can help them build confidence in their abilities. Our teachers will work with you to guide your child through this time in their life. All of our two year old classrooms have their own bathroom to help teach potty training and hand washing.

Social Skills
Learning to get along with others is important at an early age. Although children at this age engage in parallel play, our teachers stay close to support and model appropriate interaction.

Verbal Skills
Our teachers assist the children in learning new vocabulary words by exposing them to various language and communication opportunities by reading books and singing songs daily. Teachers engage in “meaningful language” with the children. This enhances a child’s opportunity to use their developing language skills in real life context. Not only do teachers talk with the children they describe colors, textures, tastes, and other aspects of their environment.

Preschool Curriculum
In our two’s classrooms we expose children to preschool activities that are age appropriate. Our two’s learn their colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. Teachers draw from our specialized goals to create curriculum with activities in art, music, reading, movement, counting, and motor skill development. The two-year-olds participate in either outdoor time on our brand new playground or gym time twice a day to help develop their gross motor skills.

Two’s are on the verge of autonomy. One goal our teachers have is to support the children’s efforts of independence by allowing them to do for themselves, mistakes and all. Our children are taught to be responsible for cleaning up their place after meals, putting toys away, and putting on their own coats. In teaching them these responsibilities, it also enables the child to feel a sense of accomplishment.