We hope you had wonderful holidays in July! School will be starting this month for everyone. If your child is being transported please make sure that you have signed up on our Transportation List. Please remember to fill out your bus schedules weekly. They will be posted in the office every Wednesday.
A new school year also means classroom changes for some of our children. Preschool will officially begin on Sept. 6th. Our preschool teachers have already begun to prepare for the upcoming year. Our teachers did an excellent job last year preparing them for the next school year and I know that this year we can expect the same results.
Kona Ice Day
Summer is drawing to a close as is Kona Ice Day. We have loved doing it and will most likely continue it next summer. Our last Kona Ice Day for the summer will be Aug 15th. Please feel free to dress your child in a Hawaiian themed outfit. The Kona Ice Van will be here at 10:00 and $1.50 is added to your account.
Summer Camp
We only have a few weeks of Summer Camp left. We could not be happier with how smoothly it has ran this summer. We have been very impressed with the behavior and maturity of this year’s group. Deana and Judy have done an amazing job and have coordinated some of the best activities we’ve ever had. We are already talking about new field trips and projects for next summer! We appreciate all your patience and support this year. I have accompanied many field trips and can honestly say that our teachers and students are supperior in supervision and manners than any other child group I saw.
Parent’s Night Out: August 19th
What is Parent’s Night Out? Once a month some of our teachers host a night where you can bring your child(ren) and have a night to do whatever you like. Babysitters are expensive but Parent’s Night Out only cost $15.00 for the entire night ($10.00 for any additional children). This includes crafts, activities, and dinner. The teachers do a great job of planning many fun things to do so the kids stay occupied and have fun. You do not need to be a current client to take advantage of Parent’s Night Out. All the money earned goes towards new toys, supplies, and equipment for our classrooms. Parent’s Night Out begins at 5:00 PM and ends at 11:00 PM (you can drop/pick up your child whenever you like during that time frame). This month it is on Friday Aug. 19th. Sign up is in the office. You must pre-pay with check or cash.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic Books will start up again at the end of this month. Watch for a catalog with the September newsletter.
Transportation for the 2011-2012 School Year
If your child will be attending school (K-6) this year and you are in need of transportation please sign the form in the hallway if you haven’t already. Every school we transport to is listed. There is also a list for children who will be attending only when they are off track.
We are enjoying this beautiful weather! Please make sure we have labeled sunscreen here for our walks and outside time. Please label ALL your child’s diapers, wipes, cups, bottles, blankets, and extra clothes. Don’t forget to take home your Cuddle-Gram each day. We will have a Water Day on Aug 17th. Please send some type of water clothing for that day and make sure you have sunscreen here. Don’t forget to check the diaper board for your baby’s needs. Please send a family photo that we can display.
Miss Nicolle – Please keep me informed on how your child’s potty training is going at home so I can continue the training appropriately. Please remember to take your child’s blanket home once a week to be washed. Don’t forget to take home your daily note that is posted on our door.
Miss Mayra – Please label all of your child’s clothes and items with their first and last name. Don’t forget to check our art folders and take home your daily note that is posted on the door. Remember to take home and wash your child’s blanket on Friday and return them on Monday.
Miss Tamara – If you have any unwanted books our class would be happy to take them off your hands to increase our library. Some of the children in our class do not have a full change of clothes in their cubbie; please check your child’s cubbie and make sure your child has a full change of clothes. Don’t forget to take home your child’s wonderful art work. Please remember to take home your child’s blanket once a week to be washed.
Miss Yoli – Tuesday August 9th is Pajama Day! Wear your comfy PJ’s! If you haven’t already, please bring in a family picture that we can display. Friday is Show-and-Tell. Your child may bring one toy to share (no weapons please). Please only bring toys on on Show-and-Tell days. If you are able, please donate a box of tissues to our class. Preschool starts next month. We are very excited for a new year to begin.
Don’t forget that we have water days on Wednesday! We are preparing for a classroom change. We are excited for these children to start Kindergarten and feel that they are very ready both academically and socially. These wonderful children will be moving up to Miss Deana’s kindergarten class and will go through a full Kindergarten curriculum with her every day. They will grow leaps and bounds next year with her and we are excited for this new journey. Be watching for more information coming the end of this month from Teacher Deana about their Kindergarten class.
Don’t forget to pick up your weekly note from Teacher Deana or Teacher Judy. These outline all the activities and field trips for the following week and inform you on anything they will need. Water slides will be on Thursday Aug 4th. The children have done amazing with this field trip and we have four teachers constantly patrolling. We could not be happier with how wonderful Summer Camp has gone this year. The children have had an amazing time and we are already looking forward to next summer!
If your child is still out of school they will be walking to the park on Thurs, Aug 11th. Please make sure you sign the permission form in the office. We will also have a Read-a-Thon and Pajama Day on Friday Aug 12th. Your child may come in their PJ’s and bring their favorite book to read! Popcorn and drinks will be provided! School children, please remember to take all of your belongings off of the van/bus when you arrive at school and at the center.
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center