Things are back to normal after the holidays and the children are back to their comfortable routines. Many of the children have been busy learning new things. The kindergarten class recently began work on Time and continues to practice Adding and Subtracting. I stepped in to help Teacher Deana the other day and was amazed to witness kindergarteners successfully working out 2nd grade math problems. They have also been able to spend quite a bit of time practicing on the computers.
Valentine’s Day Party on Mon, Feb 14th. Wear your pajamas! If you can, please bring a store bought treat for about 12 children. Please donate your 2010 calendars and a family picture that we can put on display. Remember to always check the white board for your babies diapers, wipes, and formula needs.
Miss Nicolle – Our Valentine’s Party will be Mon, Feb 14th. Please bring 17 prepared cards and, if you can, a bag of wrapped candy for our Valentine’s exchange. Please make sure your child has extra clothes in their cubby that are weather appropriate.
Miss Mayra – Please remember to take your child’s blanket home on Fridays and bring them back washed on Monday. Make sure your child has a full change of clothes here at all times. This includes underwear, shirt, pants, and socks. Check our whiteboard every day for more announcements and upcoming events.
Miss Tamara – Valentines’ Party on Mon, Feb 14th. Make sure your child has a warm change of clothes at the center. If you have any unwanted clothes that your child has outgrown we are happy to take them to use for emergency purposes.
Miss Yoli – If you have not brought a shoe box yet please do so as soon as possible. Please let us know if you don’t have one so we can provide one. We are making Valentine’s boxes so it is important that you bring yours before our party. The Valentine’s Party will be Mon, Feb 14th. If you can, please send a store bought treat (enough for 13 children). If you have any old crib sheets that you don’t want please donate them to our class.
We are continuing to learn how to spell and write our names. We are doing fantastic and almost everyone in class can spell and write their name! Please practice at home. We are progressing in our sight words as well. Try to read a story together every night and ask your child to point out the words they recognize. Our Valentine’s party will be Mon, Feb 14th. Please send a store bought treat (if you can) and Valentine’s cards with just your child’s name in the “From” line. We will fill out the “To” line in class.
We are continuing to practice addition and subtraction. We are very proud of all the progress our students have made. Please practice at home if you can. Our Valentine’s party will be Mon, Feb 14th. Please send a store bought treat if you can and cards for your child to pass out. Teacher Deana will send a class list home. We are doing a field trip to the post office on Feb 9th. Please make sure to dress warm. If you haven’t yet, make sure Diane has a self addressed envelope from you so we can mail you a Valentine’s surprise!
Thank you to everyone who brought in donations for the Shelter Drive. We were amazed at the large number of items we were able to send to needy families. Our class has begun reading novels as a class. The children are enjoying the class activity. Remind your child to always zip their backpack.
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center