Happy Father’s Day to all of our amazing Dads! Please join us in celebration of your fatherhood. On Friday June 10th we will have Doughnuts With Dad. Doughnuts and juice will be provided from 7:00 – 10:00 A.M. in our gym for you and your child to share before you leave for the day.
We will be spending a lot of time outside this summer so it is important that your child has sunscreen in their classroom with their name on it.
Kona Ice Day
All of the children loved our last Kona Ice Day. Upcoming Kona Ice Days are June 10th, June 24th, July 8th, and Aug 15th. Please feel free to dress your child in a Hawaiian themed outfit! The Kona Ice Van will be here at 10:00 on those dates.
Summer Camp
Summer Camp begins this month! We are so excited for all the wonderful activities and field trips we have planned. There are still a few weeks that aren’t full if you are still wanting to sign up. If your child is attending summer camp please read the section under classrooms carefully for important information from Teacher Deana. We will be doing water slides this year! I thought very hard and carefully about this and decided to do it because it is NOT a swimming pool and the pools at the end of the water slides are extremely shallow. There will be several lifeguards on duty as well as Tender Years Employees. Life jackets have been included in the cost and I am making it a requirement for all Kindergartners and 1st graders to wear a life jacket. If your child is older and you want them in a life jacket make sure to let Teacher Deana know. If you have a life jacket you are welcome to send it with your child, please make sure it has their first and last name in it.
Parent’s Night Out: June 24th
What is Parent’s Night Out? Once a month some of our teachers host a night where you can bring your child(ren) and have a night to do whatever you like! Babysitters are expensive but Parent’s Night Out only cost $15.00 for the entire night ($10.00 for any additional children). This includes crafts, activities, and dinner. The teachers do a great job of planning many fun things to do so the kids stay occupied and have fun. All the money earned goes towards new toys, supplies, and equipment for our classrooms. Parent’s Night Out begins at 5:00 PM and ends at 11:00 PM (you can drop/pick up your child when ever you like in that time frame). This month it is on Friday June 24th. Sign up is in the office. You must pre-pay with check or cash.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic catalogues are handed out by teachers and there are also extras in the office, be sure to pick one up. Ordering books through Scholastic is the least expensive way to buy books for your children. Book orders are due June 24th.
Transportation for the 2011-2012 School Year
If your child will be attending school (k-6) next year and you are in need of transportation please sign the form in the hallway. Every school we transport to is listed. Please sign up so we can plan for next year. There is also a list for children who will be attending only when they are off track.
Kindergarten and Preschool Graduation
Our kindergartners and preschoolers had their graduation ceremony in May. We are extremely proud of their progress and accomplishments this school year. Teacher Deana and Teacher Wendy have done an excellent job preparing them for the upcoming school year.
Thank you for using the West side door when you enter the Infant or Waddler room. This helps keep germs off of our carpet. We have recently passed out two forms to you, an Infant Survey and a Policies List. If you have not received these let us know and please return them promptly. With the warm weather approaching please make sure your child’s extra change of clothes is weather appropriate. If you haven’t already, make sure your baby has labeled sunscreen. We will be taking the strollers out for walks very soon. Happy Birthday Tavian (June 4th) and Bryson (June 30th).
Miss Nicolle – Happy Father’s Day to all you wonderful dads! Be sure to work on potty training your child. Please make sure that your child always has a full change of clothes in their cubby that is weather appropriate. Remember to check your child’s art folder every day and take home their masterpieces. Every day there is a note taped to our door for you that tells you about your child’s day. Please remember to take this home.
Miss Mayra – Please remember to take home your child’s dirty clothes if they have an accident. If they are sent home in Tender Years clothing please wash and return our clothing the next day. Summer is finally here! Please make sure that if your child wears sandals that there is a back strap on it to keep them from tripping. Don’t forget to take blankets home on Friday to be washed and returned on Monday. Clean blankets help cut down germs and illness.
Miss Tamara – Happy Father’s Day to all you great dads. Don’t forget to join your child on Friday June 10th for Doughnuts With Dad! The weather is changing so it is important that your child’s extra clothes in their cubbie are summer appropriate. Please always have a full change of clothes in their cubbie. Don’t forget to check art folders as well.
Miss Yoli – Happy Father’s Day to all our Dads! Don’t forget Doughnuts With Dad on June 10th. On June 15th wear your sunglasses and sun hat! Please make sure your child has labeled sunscreen here for those hot summer days outside. Please make sure that your child’s extra clothes in their cubbie are summer appropriate. Check our bulletin board for information on our summer activities. Happy Birthday Colton S. on June 17th.
We are so proud of our Preschoolers and their accomplishments this year. They have tackled extremely difficult material and are very prepared to enter Kindergarten next year. Our teachers have done an amazing job teaching them. We still have some wonderful activities and fieldtrips planned for the summer. Check our bulletin board for more information. Please make sure we have labeled sunscreen here.
Sumer Camp begins next week and we could not be more excited! We have so many fun activities planned. Your child is going to have an incredible summer. You should all have received a packet and calendar with all our policies and fieldtrips (please see Diane if you don’t have this). Mondays will be water days. Please have your child bring a swimming outfit or an extra change of clothes to get wet in. Don’t forget labeled sunscreen and a towel. We need your child to be here by 9:00 so we can get to our morning activity on time. Personal scooters and skates are welcome when we go skating, please make sure they are labeled. Your child can bring extra money to the Nickel Cade if you wish.
It is important that your child has labeled sunscreen here for the summer since we do so many activities outside. Please remember to sign up in the hallway for transportation for the 2011-2012 school year. Congratulations on completing another school year!
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center