Spring is coming and we couldn’t be more excited. We are looking forward to many fun outdoor activities. The children will be able to plant flowers in their classroom’s planter box and go on nature walks. Be sure to check your child’s classroom curriculum and calendar for upcoming spring events.
Summer Camp
Summer Camp sign ups are now posted. Deana has some exciting activities planned that your child won’t want to miss out on. We always want our clients to have the first chance to sign up so reserve your spot today! If you have any questions about which weeks your child is out of school just ask the office. Remember that there is a non-refundable $25.00 deposit. This will credit to your account once Summer Camp begins.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic catalogues are handed out by teachers and there are also extras in the office, be sure to pick one up. Ordering books through Scholastic is the least expensive way to buy books for your children. Book orders are due March 27th.
A Step Ahead
All of our teachers conduct various activities and lessons throughout the day which most of our parents are not able to see since the end of the day is usually when we are winding down. I love walking through the rooms throughout the day and watching what your wonderful kids are learning. The other day I was working with the Kindergartners and Teacher Deana’s class on addition. I loved helping them and showing them different ways and tools to use for adding. I was so impressed with our Kindergartners’ ability to add. I am witnessing them tackling 2nd grade curriculum and Deana is doing an amazing job with them. I also loved watching Teacher Mayra counting with the Big 2’s. She uses a lot of visuals to aid in their learning. Take a look at a few of the pictures I took while observing classrooms.
Please take the chance to talk to your baby’s teachers when you drop off or pick up your child so they can talk about your baby’s day with you. Please check your child’s cubby and take your baby’s blanket home on Fridays and bring it back washed and clean on Mondays. This helps your child stay healthy. Please label all your baby’s belongings to prevent them from getting lost. Please keep donating your Box Tops, Cream of Weber caps and Campbell’s Soup labels. Please remember to enter in the West door on the tile; we want to keep feet and germs off the carpet as much as possible because this is where the babies play and crawl. Happy Birthday Kehlil (5th), Colton (7th), Madelyn (10th), Clara (13th), and Jessica (15th).
Miss Nicolle – St. Patrick’s Day party on March 17th. Don’t forget to wear green. We have a lot of fun activities planned for this month, keep an eye out for announcements and check our calendar.
Miss Mayra – Don’t forget to wear green on the 17th for St. Patrick’s Day. Remember to take your child’s blanket home on Friday to wash it and return on Monday. Please check your child’s cubby every day for items and clothing that might need to go home. If your child does have an accident please remember to bring clean spare clothes back the next day.
Miss Tamara – Wear green on the 17th for St. Patrick’s Day. We love reading books in our class! If you have any unwanted books at home that you would like to donate please let us know.
Miss Yoli – Make sure your child has a labeled jacket every day. The weather is getting warmer so we will be going outside more often for exercise and fresh air. Wear green on St. Patrick’s Day March 17th. Pajama Day on March 31st. Please save and bring us your empty ice cream containers for an art project. We are so excited for our computers that will be coming this month!
Please watch for the Reading Words that will be coming home and please read them with your child. Leprechauns will be visiting our classroom this month and playing silly tricks on us! Make sure to ask your child what happened. Don’t forget to wear green on March 17th for our St. Patrick’s Day party. If you would like to bring a store bought treat that day you are welcome to but certainly not obligated. Parents, please allow toys only on Friday for Show and Tell. We are creating books of all our letters; if you can bring your child a 3 ring binder please do but if it’s not possible, we will happily provide one.
Please watch for the Reading Words that will be coming home and please read them with your child. Leprechauns will be visiting our classroom this month and playing silly tricks on us! Make sure to ask your child what happened. Don’t forget to wear green on March 17th for our St. Patrick’s Day party. If you would like to bring a store bought treat that day you are welcome too but certainly not obligated. Parents, please allow toys only on Friday for Show and Tell. We are creating books of all our letters; if you can bring your child a 3 ring binder please do but if it’s not possible, we will happily provide one. Summer Camp sign ups are now up! Make sure to reserve your spot.
Summer Camp sign ups are up – reserve your spot today! We have some exciting field trips and activities planned and spots are limited. Please make sure your child has all their belongings labeled (especially coats and backpacks). The weather is getting warmer; we will be going outside more often for exercise and fresh air so be sure your child has a jacket or coat every day.
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center