Happy Mother’s Day to all our amazing moms! You all work so hard to provide the best life for your child and you’re doing a fantastic job. Come celebrate your motherhood with us and your child. On Friday May 6th we will have Muffins With Mom from 7:30 – 9:00 AM. Muffins and milk will be provided in the gym for you and your child to share.
We will be CLOSED on Monday May 30th for Memorial Day.
Kona Ice Day
Our Kona Ice Day in April was a huge hit! The children loved getting their own snow cone. We have decided to continue this into the summer. Twice a month we will have a Hawaiian Party Day filled with different island projects and a Kona Ice treat. We will let you know these dates ahead.
Summer Camp
Our Summer Camp sign up is filling up quickly! If you have not yet reserved your spot you’ll want to do so. Deana has many incredible activities planned that your child won’t want to miss! Calendars and packets are just about ready to be passed out. Those parents that are already signed up will receive one shortly.
Parent’s Night Out
What is Parent’s Night Out??? Once a month some of our teachers host a night where you can bring your child(ren) and have a night to do whatever you like! Babysitters are expensive but Parent’s Night Out only cost $15.00 for the entire night ($10.00 for any additional children). This includes crafts, activities, and dinner. The teachers do a great job of planning many fun things to do so the kids stay occupied and have fun. All the money earned goes towards new toys, supplies, and equipment for our classrooms. Parent’s Night Out begins at 5:00 PM and ends at 11:00 PM (you can drop/pick up your child when ever you like in that time frame). This month it is on Friday May 13th. Sign up is in the office. You must pre-pay with check or cash.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic catalogs are handed out by teachers and there are also extras in the office, be sure to pick one up. Ordering books through Scholastic is the least expensive way to buy books for your children. Book orders are due May 25th.
Computers, Computers, Computers
Our Big Three’s are having a wonderful time getting to know their new computers. For many of our little ones, this is their first time working with technology. It has been so fun to watch them become familiar with the mouse and keyboard. They are catching on quickly and are working in programs that support our curriculum in areas like math, reading, and problem solving.
Easter Egg Hunt
Our Easter egg hunt was a blast this year. Below are a few pics.
Remember to send your baby with a jacket for when we go outside. Please have their name labeled in the jacket as well. If you have older children please do not let them come in the baby room. We try to keep as few people in the room as possible. Please remember to enter the Infant and Waddler room through the West door. We want to keep outside shoes off of our carpet since this is where our little ones play so much. We love our babies!
Miss Nicolle – Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful moms! Be sure to work on your potty training at home as well. Feel free to let us know about your child’s progress or concerns. Please make sure that your child always has a full change of clothes in their cubby. If we send home dirty clothes please bring back another set the next day. Don’t forget Muffins With Mom on Friday May 6th.
Miss Mayra – We will be talking about Families this month! Please bring a family picture that we can cut. Your child is allowed to have one snuggle toy for nap. If you choose to send one please make sure it is labeled, can fit in their cubby with their blanket, and is taken home weekly to wash with their blanket. Don’t forget to check our whiteboard for weekly events. Make sure to check your child’s cubby to ensure that they always have an extra pair of clothes and blanket at the center.
Miss Tamara – Happy Mother’s Day on May 8th! Please join us for Muffins With Mom on May 6th. Please make sure that your child has labeled lotion and sunscreen in our class along with a signed release form. We are going outside every day (weather permitting) so please make sure your child has a jacket every day with their name in it. We do art in class every day and not everything gets put on display so please check your child’s art folder and take home their masterpieces.
Miss Yoli – Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful Mommies! We are going outside every day so please make sure your child has a labeled jacket. We also need sunscreen with your child’s name on it. We do art every day in our class and we can’t always post it all so please check your child’s art folder daily. These children work very hard and want to share their brilliant art with you. Please check your child’s cubby each day to ensure that they always have a full change of clothes (shirt, pants, and underwear) and a blanket.
Our class will be doing a walking field trip on Wednesday May 4th to the flower nursery next door to us to learn about flowers and purchase a little surprise for Mother’s Day. Please make sure that we have a permission slip signed from you. We will also be doing a field trip to the park this month. Watch for more info on our classroom door. Please send your child with a jacket with their name labeled on it. We are going outside a lot and it is still chilly. Graduation will be at the end of this month. We have not finalized the date yet but it will be in the evening and parents are invited and encouraged to come! Our class has been working hard all year and they are very anxious to show off what they have learned. We could not be prouder of the accomplishments pre-k has made this year. Our class is easily tackling kindergarten curriculum and will be very prepared for next year! Thanks for all your help.
On Wednesday May 4th, our class will be walking to the flower nursery next door to learn about flowers and purchase a surprise for their Mother’s! Please make sure you have signed the permission form in the office. We will be doing another field trip this month to the park depending on the weather. We will let you know which date we choose. Please make sure your child comes with a jacket that has their name on it for when we go outside. Kindergarten Graduation is the end of this month! We have not finalized the date yet but it will be in the evening and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. More information will come. Teacher Deana has done an amazing job with our Kindergartners and you can rest assured that she has played an amazing part in their kindergarten education.
Not much time is left to sign up for Summer Camp. Packets will be coming out soon with rules and calendars. We have some really amazing field trips planned that every child will love. We will also be making our T-shirt orders next week. It is important that your child has labeled sunscreen here for the summer since we do so many activities outside.
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center