Welcome to fall! All the classrooms have been working on art projects for the season. They are very much enjoying the opportunity to be creative. Be sure to look at and take home their finished projects.
There will be a lot of Halloween activities going on this month. Be sure to read about the Halloween Parade and try to work it into your schedule. We love adding Halloween costumes to our dress ups. If you don’t want your child’s costume please feel free to donate it to our school.
Halloween Parade
Our Halloween Parade will be Monday October 31st at 9:30 AM. Parents and family members are welcome and seating will be provided in the gym. We will change your child into and out of their costume so it will not get ruined or dirty. Of course, no weapons will be allowed. After the parade the children will all receive a special Arctic Circle Halloween Happy Meal. A small $4.00 charge will be added to your account. If you choose (certainly not required) to send a treat please make sure it is store bought and does not contain peanuts.
UEA Field Trip
All school age children will be out on Oct. 20-21 for UEA. On Thursday Oct. 20th we will be doing a field trip to Black Island Farms where the children will tour the gardens, go through a corn maze, have lunch, and play on the slides. We will leave at 9:00 AM sharp and return around 3:00 PM. Make sure your child has a jacket and walking shoes. The cost is $4.50. If you would like your child to attend please sign up on the sign up sheet in Deana’s Kindergarten room underneath the clock.
Picture Day
Picture Day is Wednesday Oct. 12! All children that are not in school (babies – preschool) will have their picture taken. You do not have to purchase any pictures but everyone will have them taken. The pictures will be developed and sent to the center. Pictures will start at 7:00 AM.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic Books are back! Your child’s teacher will give you a catalog. We always have extras in the office as well. Books orders are due to the office by Wednesday, Oct. 26th.
Teacher Training
Every year our teachers have to go through a lot of training. They take classes, read articles, and participate in staff training meetings. The Utah State Division of Child Care also requires us to annually retrain our teachers on all of their policies and regulations. This year we have decided to put our training on display for all to see. Our hallways will be filled with posters displaying all the training our teachers go through.
At Tender Years we feel that artwork and creativity is very important. We’ve seen some beautiful fall artwork recently. Take a look . . .
Oct. 10-14: THE 5 SENSES
Oct. 17-21: THE 5 SENSES Part 2 (2-3 yr. olds)
OCEAN LIFE (4-5 yr. olds)
Oct. 24-28: HALLOWEEN and FALL
Oct. 31 – Nov. 4: COLORS
Infants, Waddlers, & Toddlers
October is filled with autumn fun! Our Fall Festival is Wednesday, Oct 26th. We will have fun activities in class to celebrate the season. Don’t forget our costume parade on Halloween. We will change your baby in and out of their costume. Come to the parade if you can! Remember to check the diaper board each day so you are aware of what your baby needs. Our young infants are working on self help skills (rolling over, sitting up, army crawl, grabbing, etc.). Be sure to practice at home.
Miss Nicolle – We will be having a Halloween party and parade on Monday, Oct. 31st with games and treats. Please send your child’s costume in a LABELED bag with ALL the costume pieces labeled as well. We will change them in and out of their costume. As the weather changes make sure your child has a full change of clothes in their cubbie every day that matches the season. Potty Training Tip: Dress your child in loose fitting pants that are easy for them to get down. Clothing such as onsies, jumpers or overalls are difficult for them to get off when they are in a hurry. Try to have washable shoes (such as Crocs) which are easy to sanitize and clean in case of an accident. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions of how I can help.
Miss Mayra – Try to attend our costume parade on Halloween if your schedule allows it. Please send your child’s costume in a LABELED bag. Make sure ALL pieces of the costume are labeled too. We will change your child into their costume for the parade and then out of it so it does not get dirty. Fall Festival is this month so many of our activities and art projects are centered around the season. Be sure to check your child’s art folder and take home their creations. Don’t forget to take blankets home for the weekend to be washed.
Miss Tamara – Happy Birthday Savannah on the 30th! October is the month of Halloween! Remember our parade on the 31st and please do not send weapons. Make sure your child’s costume has ALL of the pieces labeled. We will change the children in and out of their costume. If you choose to send candy to share on Halloween please provide enough for 12. As the weather cools please make sure your child always has a full change of clothes in their cubbie that is weather appropriate. If you have any unwanted crib sheets, blankets, books, clothes, toys, or art supplies we ALWAYS love these things donated to our class! Thanks!
Miss Yoli – Our Halloween Parade is Oct. 31st. Please send your child’s costume in a LABELED bag with ALL pieces labeled. We will change your child in and out of their costume. Our Fall Festival will be Friday October 28th. If you can, please send a small store bought treat (no peanuts) and enough for 18 children. Show-and-Tell will be Friday, Oct. 14th. This month we are practicing letters E-G and numbers 5-7. Please practice at home if possible. Remember that for preschool, your child needs their backpack and folder every day. Happy Birthday Ian (12th) and Reese (14th).
Our Halloween Parade is Monday, Oct. 31st. Please do not send weapons with your child’s costume. Make sure to label their costume as well. We will have a Halloween Party on Friday, Oct. 28th. If you choose to send a store bought treat (no peanuts please) please make sure there is enough for 24. Our themes for this month are Community People and Places, the 5 Senses, Ocean Life, and Halloween. We are working on the sound and spelling of letters E-G and numbers 1-20. We will be doing a lot of Halloween art as well. The weather will soon start to turn chilly so remember to send a labeled jacket or sweatshirt for outside time. If your child does not have a blanket here please send one for quiet time (not required for preschool only children).
Our class Halloween party will be Monday, Oct. 31st after the parade. Please make sure your child’s Halloween costume is labeled. Afternoon Kindergarteners will have their party before school and morning Kindergarteners will have their party when they get back from school. Be sure to sign up for the Black Island Farms field trip on Thursday, Oct. 20th. Friday the 21st will be Friday Fun Day! DS and other games are allowed.
Themes for October:
3-7: Color Week Part 2
10-14: My Body
17-21: Fire Safety and Field Trips
24-28: Halloween
Please check my posted curriculum for details on what we are working on.
Traditional Schools and Syracuse Arts Academy are out of school on Monday, October 31st. If your child will be out of school and at the center that day they are welcome to participate in our Halloween Parade at 9:30 AM. Please remember no weapons and make sure they have other clothes to change into after the parade. All schools are out Oct. 20-21 for UEA. If you would like to go on the Black Island Farms field trip on the 20th make sure to sign up in the Kindergarten room under the clock. Homework Club has been a huge success! We hope you are enjoying it as much as we are.
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Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center