We will be CLOSED on Monday September 3rd for Labor Day. Please have a wonderful and safe holiday.
It is time for another school year to begin! Our older children have entered into a new grade and we hope they all love their new classes. Our preschool and pre-kindergarten classes have began and we are thrilled to start a new year of education and fun!
We have two new head teachers starting at Tender Years! Miss Melanie will be in the Preschool Room (Big Three’s) and Miss Amanda will be in the Big Two’s. These women are wonderful and we are thrilled to have them. Both of their bios are listed below.
You may have noticed that we had new lighting installed throughout the center. It wasn’t cheap but it was worth it! The classrooms are now much brighter and “warm”.
Summer Camp Thank You
We had an amazing Summer Camp. Thank you teacher Deana and Judy for giving the children a fantastic summer. I also want to thank the children for listening to their teachers and being safe. We received so many compliments this year from the facilities we attended. Many of the employees commented on how great our children were and how especially wonderful our teachers are. We were often told that our school was the only one that actually supervised and played with the kids. We are already looking forward to next year!
Transportation for 2012-2013 School Year
If we are transporting your child to school please be sure to go over the rules we have provided. Please talk to your child about getting to our van quickly so we can pick up all our children promptly and get them back to the center. Parents, please be sure to always fill out your bus schedules. We set them out every Wednesday.
Kindergarten Graduation
We had a wonderful celebration for our Kindergarten graduates! Thank you for a great year and we wish you luck in 1st grade!
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders are back! Your child’s teacher will give you a catalog each month that is age appropriate. Book orders will be due to the office by Friday, September 28th. Please use a check to pay for your orders.
September 3-7: APPLES AND SEEDS (2-3 yr. olds)
GETTING ACQUAINTED (4-5 yr. old’s)
September 10-14: BIRTHDAYS
September 17-21: FALL
September 24-28: COMMUNITY PLACES & PEOPLE (2-3 yr. olds)
CAREER (4-5 yr. olds)
*Please check your child’s class calendar for special events and the month’s math and reading goals. This month, 2-3 year old’s are working on reviewing all letters A-D and numbers 1-4. Four to Five year old’s are working on the sound and spelling of letters A-D and counting and writing numbers 1-20.
From the Classrooms
Infants, Waddlers, & Toddlers
If we do not have a family picture from you please bring one in that we can keep here and put on display for your baby to look at. It does not have to be a professional picture. It is really important for our babies to go outside and take advantage of this wonderful weather. Please make sure your baby wear shoes for outside and gym play. Please check your baby’s extra change of clothes to make sure they have everything they need. The weather is going to be changing so please make sure your change of clothes matches the current weather patterns. It is important that the children have jackets during the fall season so we can still go play outside. Please remember to use the West door when entering the Infant or Waddler room so we can keep outside shoes off of the carpet as much as possible. Make sure your baby has labeled sunscreen for the month. And of course, don’t forget to check our diaper board regularly. Thank you!
Miss Nicolle – We are excited to start another year! This month we will be tasting different apples, having a class birthday party on September 13th, and doing a lot of fun science and art projects to match the season change. A lot of our children do not have a spare change of clothes in their cubbie. Please make sure they always have a full set of spare clothes with your child’s name labeled on everything (it is especially important with our potty training). We are excited to have Teacher Kaity in our room. She is incredibly kind and the children adore her. Potty Training Tip: A great video to rent for potty training is Elmo Potty Training.
Miss Amanda – We are so excited to have Miss Amanda become our new head teacher in the Big Two’s. She is a fantastic teacher with excellent experience in the two year old area. Amanda taught a two year old class at Montessori and has a great deal of experience with circle time, language development, vocabulary building, sign language, basic Spanish, and potty training. We are happy to bring her into our Tender Years family!
Miss Melanie – Miss Melanie is our new preschool teacher in the Big Three’s classroom. We could not be happier that she has agreed to become part of our staff. Miss Melanie has extensive experience teaching preschool in various schools and was even a director in two facilities. She can’t wait to start teaching our children their curriculum and helping them start the basics of learning to read. We know the children will love her. Please take a few minutes to meet her!
Miss Carol is so excited to start a new school year! Welcome to all our new Pre-Kindergarteners! This is our year to do all the wonderful and amazing things necessary to prepare for Kindergarten. This month we will start at the beginning of the alphabet learning each letter’s individual sound and practice spelling and applying it. There are some supplies your child will need for our class. If you are able to, please bring a pocket folder, a tissue box, lotion, colored pencils, a glue stick, and a pencil box for your child. If it is not possible to get these items please let Miss Carol know and Tender Years will make sure your child has everything they need. Thank you for your support and we are looking forward to a great year!
Kindergarten begins on Tuesday September 4th! We hope you were able to attend our open house last Thursday to meet Teacher Deana, become familiar with the room, and receive a packet of information and supplies. If you weren’t able to attend, please let Teacher Deana know and she will provide you with a packet. Please remember to send your child with their supplies listed in the packet for the first day. If it is not possible to provide these items please let Teacher Deana know and Tender Years will make sure your child has everything they need. Teacher Deana will keep you informed on curriculum and coordinate her lessons to the ones they are receiving in school. Teacher Deana is a master Kindergarten teacher and we are excited that your child will have the opportunity to receive a “full day” of Kindergarten.
We are excited to have team teaching with our school age group! Miss Judy is our head teacher in the room and will be assisted by Miss Lexi and Miss Morgan. All of these teachers have been working with the kids the entire summer and are already familiar with and adore all the kids. Homework Club was a huge success last year and we will be continuing it this year. Be sure to let Teacher Judy know of any areas your child needs to focus on and how we can help your child be successful in school. Our School Age Room is a strictly enforced “No Bully Zone”. Make sure you discuss with your children what to do if they are being bullied at school and how to avoid being a bully. Our classroom is always taking donations of books for all ages.
We are proud and honored to be a part of your child’s physical, social, and educational development.
Jessica Drage, Owner
Tender Years Child Care & Learning Center